Ongoing funded projects
Ongoing projects funded through competitive international calls
Project: MENTORING - Addressing Malnutrition and mEtabolic health in Non-communicable diseases ThrOugh pRecIsion Nutrition: impact in quality of life and proGnosis of lung cancer patients. Call: HORIZON–EIC–2023-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01 Duration: 2024-2028 PI: Pedro Mena HNU Partecipants: Alice Rosi, Federica Bergamo, Francesca Scazzina, Letizia Bresciani, Nicola Bragazzi, Claudia Favari, Daniele Del Rio Other partecipants: Marcello Tiseo, Marco Ventura, Francesca Turroni (Microbiome Research Hub, UNIPR), Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, IMDEA Alimentación (Spagna, coordinatore), German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg (Germania), I3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde dell’Università di Porto (Portogallo), Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems (Germania) Web site: |
The MENTORING project aims to improve the nutritional and metabolic status of patients with lung cancer through a personalized nutrition approach. Specifically, the project seeks to provide tailored nutritional recommendations in line with the established nutritional treatment guidelines for individuals undergoing oncology care for lung cancer, ultimately enhancing their quality of life. |
Project: SWITCHtoHEALTHY - Switching Mediterranean consumers to Mediterranean sustainable healthy dietary patterns Call: PRIMA - Initiative Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, Section I, 2021 Duration: 2022-2025 HNU participants: Alice Rosi, Perla Degli Innocenti Other participants: Federico Bergenti (UNIPR), ENCO Consulting Srl (Italy, coordinator), Regione Campania (Italy), Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations - CEEBA (Egypt), Fundació EURECAT (Spain), Centro Nacional de Tecnología y Seguridad Alimentaria – CNTA (Spa Spain gna), Centre de Recerca en Economia i Desenvolupament Agroalimentari UPC-IRTA - CREDA (Spain), Delafruit SLU (Spain), Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural - DACC – (Spain), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH (Greece), Consumers Lebanon (Lebanon), Université Ibn Tofail - Kénitra, Unité Mixte de Recherche en Nutrition et Alimentation - CNESTEN-IUT (Morocco), University of Mohammed Premier – UMP (Morocco), Soconarjiss Sarl (Morocco), Association Slow Food Tebourba (Turkey), Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi - BUÜ (Turkey), Kocahan Şekerleme (Turkey), İzmir Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism (Turkey). Web site: |
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Project: PROmedLIFE - Novel food products for the PROmotion of MEDiterranean LIFEstyle and healthy diet Call: PRIMA - Initiative Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, Section I, 2021 Duration: 2022-2025 HNU participants: Alice Rosi, Beatrice Biasini, Cinzia Franchini, Perla Degli Innocenti Other participants: Davide Menozzi (UNIPR), Web site: |
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Project: PREDICT-CARE - Developing tools for the PREDICTion, at individual level, of the CArdiometabolic REsponse to the consumption of dietary (poly)phenols Call: ERC Starting Grant 2020 ( Duration: 2021-2025 PI: Pedro Mena HNU participants: Cristiana Mignogna, Maria Sole Morandini, Cristiano Negro, Joana Maria Santos Rebelo, Claudia Favari, Vicente Agulló, José Rinaldi De Alvarenga, Letizia Bresciani, Laila Guimaraes Zeraik Cardoso, Elisa Monica, Nicola Bragazzi, Alice Rosi, Nicole Tosi, Francesca Scazzina, Sara Dobani, Elisabetta Viale, Costanza Michelini, Furio Brighenti, Daniele Del Rio. Other participants: Other Participants: Ruggero Bettini, Annalisa Bianchera, Ilaria Zanotti, Chiara Dall’Asta, Valeria Barili, Riccardo Bonadonna, Alessandra Dei Cas, Valentina Spigoni, Raffaella Aldigeri, Massimo Corradi, Silvia Ranzieri, Alessandro Barbarese, Marco Ventura, Francesca Turroni (UNIPR), Davide Martorana (AOUPR), Rosalia Aloe (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma), Ruggero Bettini, Federica Bergenti, Giulia Frigeri, Patrizia Riso, Cristian del Bo', Monica Laureati, Camilla Cattaneo (University of Milano), Michele Vacca (Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology), Raúl Domínguez-Perles (CEBAS-CSIC). Web site: |
The ERC PREDICT-CARE project aims at implementing integrative tools for the prediction, at individual level, of the cardiometabolic response to the consumption of dietary (poly)phenols, taking into account inter -individual differences in both metabolism and health effects of these plant food bioactives. The project consists of two intervention studies, one in acute and one under chronic conditions, and the development of an integrative, |
Ongoing projects funded through competitive national calls
Project: MoreMedDiet- More on the adoption of a healthy Mediterranean diet Call:PRIMA - Initiative Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, Section II, 2022 Duration: 2023-2026 PI: Gianni Galaverna HNU partecipants : Alice Rosi, Federica Bergamo, Francesca Scazzina, Perla Degli Innocenti, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi Other partecipants: Martina Cirlini, Cristina Mora, Giovanni Sogari, Audrey Cavalieri – UNIPR (Italy), Universidad de Extremadura, Departamento de Producción Animal y Ciencia de los Alimentos - UEx (Spain), CICYTEX Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura (Spain), Damanhour University - DU (Egypt), Centre de Recherche Institut Paul Bocuse (France), JASSP SAS (France), Télécom Sud Paris, École de Institut Mines-Télécom (France), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per la Bioeconomia - CNR-IBE (Italy), Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali - UNIFI-DAGRI (Italy), Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre - ipleiria-MARE (Portugal), Université de Tunis El Manar – UTM (Tunisia), Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi (Turkey) Web site: |
The MoreMedDiet project aims to promote the adoption of the traditional Mediterranean Diet in different population groups. This goal wants to be achieved through the creation of healthy and tasty recipes considering consumers' ideas and suggestions while raising awareness of the overall benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. |
Project: COFFEAT - Role of coffee circulating metabolites in the regulation of the epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) pro-atherogenic properties: a fat-depot specific approach to reduce coronary atherosclerosis Call: PNRR-M4C2- I1.1 – MUR Call for proposals n.104 of 02-02-2022 - PRIN 2022 - ERC sector LS4 - Project Code 2022NZNZH8 - CUP Code D53D23014440006 - Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU Duration: 2023-2025 PI: Daniele Del Rio HNU partecipants : Pedro Mena, Lorena Sánchez Martinez, Cristina Del Burgo Other partecipants: University of Padova (Italy, Coordinator), National Research Council (CNR), Università "Magna Graecia" di Catanzaro (Italy)
The overall objective of COFFEAT project is to determine whether and how coffee circulating metabolites affect the physiopathology of human epicardial adipose tissue and whether they inhibit the epicardial adipose tissue-related pro-atherosclerotic effects. The properties of selected coffee circulating metabolites will be directly tested and characterized in cultures of human epicardial adipose tissue and monocytes samples collected from CAD patients and in cell cultures of adipocytes and monocytes. |
Project: NOVELTY - AcorN: a forgotten resource to be rediscOVered and valorizEd in the production of good and heaLThY foods Call: PNRR-M4C2- I1.1 – MUR Call for proposals n. 1409 del 14-09-2022 - Bando PRIN 2022 PNRR - ERC sector LS9- Project Code P2022N57PN- CUP Code D53D23022000001- Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Duration: 2023-2025 HNU partecipants : Daniele Del Rio Other partecipants: University of Camerino (Italy, Coordinator), University of Milan (Italy) Social media: NOVELTY |
NOVELTY project aims to promote the recovery of acorn for the production of food products for human consumption through a few main activities: a) Characterization of commercial acorn flour from a nutritional and technological point of view; b) production of acorn flour based-food products; c) nutritional composition, bioactive compounds and contaminants analysis as well as technological quality and sensory acceptability of derived acorn products; d) validation of acorn flour and related products as food with potential health benefits through in vivo test in the model of Drosophila melanogaster (both wild type and engineered to develop Alzheimer disease). |
Project: 4-SEASOMed - Discovering the role of SEASOnal dietary choices on Mediterranean diet adherence and effect on human microbiota Call: PNRR-M4C2- I1.1 – MUR Call for proposals n.104 of 02-02-2022 - PRIN 2022 - ERC sector LS4- Project Code 2022A34JY8 - CUP Code D53D23014160001 - Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU Duration: 2023-2025 HNU partecipants: Alice Rosi, Nicole Tosi, Federica Bergamo, Arianna Gallina Other participants: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italia, Coordinatore), Università di Catania (Italia), Neuromed (Italia) Social media: 4SEASOMed |
4-SEASOMed is a multi-center observational study which aims to assess the adherence to a seasonal diet, mainly for fresh fruit and vegetables, in a cohort of Italian adults involving 3 different areas (North-Centre, Centre-South and South Italy), monitoring the dietary habits across the seasons, to establish the association between the adherence to a seasonal diet, the Mediterranean Diet, and lifestyle habits. Moreover, the impact of adhering to a seasonal diet will be evaluated for its ability to modulate microbiota composition and microbiota derived metabolites. |
Project: CARE-DIET - CArdiometabolic REsponse to plant-based DIETs at individual level: deciphering the complexity of plant bioactives Call: FARE Ricerca in Italia: Framework per l’attrazione ed il rafforzamento delle eccellenze per la Ricerca in Italia - III edizione (2020) Duration: 2022-2026 PI: Pedro Mena HNU participants: Maria Sole Morandini, Cristiano Negro, Joana Maria Santos Rebelo, Cristiana Mignogna, Claudia Favari, José Rinaldi De Alvarenga, Costanza Michelini, Vicente Agulló, Letizia Bresciani, Laila Guimaraes Zeraik Cardoso, Elisa Monica, Nicola Bragazzi, Alice Rosi, Nicole Tosi, Francesca Scazzina, Sara Dobani, Elisabetta Viale, Furio Brighenti, Daniele Del Rio. Other participants: Riccardo Bonadonna, Alessandra Dei Cas, Valentina Spigoni, Raffaella Aldigeri, Marco Ventura, Francesca Turroni (UNIPR), Rosalia Aloe (University Hospital of Parma), Raúl Domínguez-Perles (CEBAS-CSIC). |
CARE-DIET aims to develop a holistic framework to unravel the effect of plant bioactives on cardiometabolic response at individual level, deciphering the complexity of the interactions among different dietary components, the gut microbiome, and host physiology. CARE-DIET adds an improved, more complete dimension to the ERC PREDICT-CARE project, beyond (poly)phenols, considering also carotenoids, phytosterols, glucosinolates, alkaloids, thiosulfinates, and alkylresorcinols and other dietary components able to modulate the gut microbiome and interact with the host physiology. |
Project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.3 - Call for tender No. 341 of 15 March 2022 of Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU; Project code PE00000003, Concession Decree No. 1550 of 11 October 2022 adopted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, Project title “ON Foods - Research and innovation network on food and nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security – Working ON Foods”.
Project: EDSUSDIETS - Curriculum application of EDucational and empowering models aimed at promoting healthy and SUStainable DIETS in University canteens Duration: 2023-2025 HNU participants: Alice Rosi, Beatrice Biasini, Cinzia Franchini, Damiano Callegaro, Tatiana Crosina Other participants: University of Bologna (Italy), Council for research in agriculture and the analysis of the agrarian economy (CREA, Italy), University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) Web site: EDSUSDIETS |
The EDSUSDIET project aims to promote healthy and sustainable eating habits among Parma University students. Through collaboration with the food service operator, a reorganization of cafeteria premises and optimization of menus from both nutritional and environmental perspectives will be implemented. Additionally, the development of a mobile application and a communication campaign is intended to raise student awareness of environmental issues and encourage conscious food choices. The expected results include a renovated and inclusive cafeteria, a decreased environmental impact in menus, and reduced food waste. |
Project: ENDOPHENOL - Investigation of in vivo endogenous and/or exogenous production of phenolic metabolites using (un)target metabolomics Duration: 2023-2025 PI: Pedro Mena, Letizia Bresciani, Daniele Del Rio HNU participants: Laila Zeraik, Claudia Favari, Nicola Bragazzi, Maria Sole Morandini Other participants: Marco Ventura, Francesca Turroni, Valeria Barili (UNIPR), Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma (Italy), De’Longhi Group (Italy), Bolton Group (Italy) Web site: ENDOPHENOL |
When (poly)phenols are ingested, they are broken down into smaller molecules. However, the same smaller compounds can come from the metabolism of amino acids and catecholamines. To understand the presence of small phenolics that originate from the dietary (poly)phenols and the other sources, the Endophenol study is designed as randomized crossover trial with healthy volunteers following a (poly)phenol-free diet for 4 days, having coffee (known source of phenolics) or a control on the 3rd day. Urine and feces are collected at selected time points for (un)targeted LC-MS metabolomics analyses. A saliva sample is collected for genetic analysis and, together with the gut microbiota characterization, will be used to understand interindividual variability in production of these metabolites.
Project: NEW PRACTICE - Development of new approaches to elucidate the metabolism of nutritionally relevant bioactive compounds Duration: 2023-2025 PI: Pedro Mena, Letizia Bresciani, Daniele Del Rio HNU participants: Marta Berzaghi, Elisabetta Viale, Claudia Favari Other participants: University of Bari (Italy), Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology (United Kingdom) Web site: NEW PRACTICE |
Frozen organs will be sectioned transversely and analyzed by desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). With this approach the aim is to map the production and absorption of native and colonic metabolites in tissues, deepening the understanding of the in vivo metabolism of the bioactive compounds under investigation. The objective includes the development of an innovative MSI analytical method applied to (poly)phenolic metabolites to shed light on their potential bioactivity in situ. |
Project: OBI-WAN-DIET - A multi-omics approach to tackle obesity at individual level with plant-based diet Duration: 2023-25 PI: Pedro Mena HNU participants: Daniele Del Rio, Maria Sole Morandini, Cristiano Negro, Joana Maria Santos Rebelo, Cristiana Mignogna, Claudia Favari, José Rinaldi De Alvarenga, Costanza Michelini, Vicente Agulló, Letizia Bresciani, Laila Guimaraes Zeraik Cardoso, Elisa Monica, Nicola Bragazzi, Alice Rosi, Nicole Tosi, Francesca Scazzina, Sara Dobani, Elisabetta Viale Other participants: Marco Ventura, Ruggero Bettini, Annalisa Bianchera, Ilaria Zanotti, Chiara Dall’Asta, Valeria Barili, Riccardo Bonadonna, Alessandra Dei Cas, Valentina Spigoni, Raffaella Aldigeri, Massimo Corradi, Silvia Ranzieri, Alessandro Barbarese, Francesca Turroni (UNIPR), Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma (Italy), Università di Milano (Italy), Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology (United Kingdom), CEBAS-CSIC (Spain) Web site: OBI-WAN-DIET |
The project aims to understand the role of sustainable, personalized, plant-based dietary interventions, as well as the contribution of the interplay oral microbiome – genetic polymorphisms – hormonal regulation on obesity prevention. It will shed light on the development of translatable predictive models to manage weight control in overweight/obese adults. This study will help to build a new paradigm in the management of chronic diseases, focused on individuals and using multi-omics approaches, predictive tools, and plant-based diets with demonstrated health effects. |